Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pears, Peas and Strollers

A baby's life is adventurous. 

Why?  Because almost everyday they are trying, discovering and experiencing something new.  I'm kinda jealous.

I've known this about babies all of my adult life, however, it's not until I've witnessed it firsthand that its sunk in.  This came to my attention over the weekend when Katherine went for her first walk facing forward in her stroller.  I realized, that for her, she has experiences that are somewhat old hat like the taste of pears.  (she's known this flavor since she was three months)  However there are very new tastes like peas.  (her first try was Sunday).  Then there are new adventures that might seem initially scary, but are literally life seeing the world facing forward.  Life never gets boring for this new life.

laughs and smiles when the wind blows on her face.
squeals and squirms when Auggie walks by.
looks surprised every time she sees her own reflection.
doesn't get bored looking out a window.
gets to taste a new food every three days (!!!! I like this one !!!).
feels pride when she rolls over and sits up.

Katherine's life has made me begin to examine my own.  What is mesmerizing to me?  What do I get so excited about that my only reaction is dancing?  Do I try new experiences?  Where are my adventures?

Perhaps something we should all ponder?

Even though a little wobbly at times, Katherine is experiencing life facing foward.


  1. Rebecca & Randy,

    How lucky are you both to begin to live life through and with your sweet daughter Katherine's eyes and heart. What a wonderful ride you are going to experience. Enjoy!

  2. Thanks Aunt Linda! We are loving every second of it and can't wait for more. Miss you!

  3. How precious! She's such a beautiful girl. Love your spirit Rebecca Sue!
